When you give, you support the work we do in your community as well as around the world. We use 100% of our funding for program expenses.
Donate to Kiwanis Park!
Your donation allows us to upkeep, and replace
needed items, make repairs and create new fun
for Kiwanis Park at Woodlawn.
Donate to Kiwanis READS!
Your donation will help to buy books to distribute throughout our community. We have Little Free Libraries in Kiwanis Park, free books available to children through our many literacy programs, including MC Fair Reading, Pancakes & Reading in Kiwanis Park & Super Saturday!
Donate to Saturday with Santa Clothing Project!
This project has been ongoing for over 60 years, allowing us to clothe underprivileged children in our community each year. Your donation of $75.00 or more will clothe and provide shoes to a  Martin County child in need.